Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Thought of the Day !! / Question of the Day ??

Please forgive the slowdown of meditations over the ending of 2006. Chalk it up to busyness, being out of town more or just plain laziness. But a new year is dawning, and though I will be out of pocket a couple times this month, I plan to get back on track with the "Thought of the Day !!" meditations. For today's "Thought" I go to my bishop and an email she sends out to her clergy. I thought it was a good way to start off the new year. Happy New Year to all! And may God's blessings be upon each and every one of us in 2007!

In the love of Christ,

JAN. 2, 2007

"For everything there is a season, and time for every matter under heaven."
- Ecclesiastes 3:1

The ancient wisdom of the Teacher of Ecclesiastes resounds as the appointed text for the dawning of each new year.

No one escapes pondering of the passing of time and the freshness of the new year as fresh calendars for 2007 are opened up. 2007, how can it be? It seems that just a bit ago. . .

The Teacher is helpful: there is a time for every matter under heaven. A time for youth and a time for maturity, a time to work and a time to play, a time to be silent and a time to speak.

I love the words of the Anglican prayer for evensong, somehow missing from many prayers of self-examination. "Forgive us our sins, and grant us time to amend our lives. . ."

What is the meaning of this time, this day, for you? What wisdom from days past informs your living into this new year? How does God's gift of extended time beckon you forward?

May God be with you in this and in all newness of life,


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