Thought of the Day !!
“You see the depths of my heart and you love me the same. You are amazing God.”
(From the song Indescribable by Christ Tomlinson)
What an amazing God to love me in spite of who I am, who I was, and even who I can still be at times. Our Lord's love for us is truly indescribable and it was given to us before we were even born.
You truly are amazing, God.
I sit here this morning and think about how yesterday had a nice blue sky, and I was praising God. This morning the darker clouds were bringing on an overcast mood to the morning. But even in this overcast sky, I can see the sun shining through from time to time. Isn't that just like God? Even when our lives get dreary or burdensome or overcast, He'll still shine through at times just to let us know He's still there.
Our God is truly amazing, and I'm not sure I tell him this enough. But I plan on praising Him more and more often. I don't deserve all He's done for me. How about you? But His love is so that we can expect good things from Him. So speak to Him today. Sing to Him. Yell out to Him. Cry out to Him. However you do it, communicate to your Lord that you know He's amazing and loving and that you love Him too. I think He just might be waiting to hear from some of us, just like a parent waits to hear from a child.
In the love of Christ,
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