Thought of the Day !!
...take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:17b (NLT)
In reading through my Spiritual Formation Bible this morning I came across a few pages of quotes. I'd like to share a few.
"Let no day pass by without reading some portion of the sacred Scriptures and giving some space to meditation; for nothing feeds the soul so well as those sacred studies do." - Theonas of Alexandria
"Scripture is like a river, broad and deep, shallow enough here for the lamb to go wading, but deep enough there for the elephant to swim." - Gregory the Great (540-604)
"Even when carrying out needful tasks, keep meditating inwardly and praying. Thus you can grasp the depths of divine Scripture and the power hidden in it, and 'pray without ceasing.'" - Abba Philimon (Late Sixth Century?)
"Reading seeks for the sweetness of a blessed life, meditation perceives it, prayer asks for it, contemplation tastes it." - Guigo II (1188)
As you read these, see if one speaks to you and think about it today as you seek how it can make your life of reading the Word of God more meaningful.
I'd love to hear which one you see as helpful. If there is one, leave me a note letting me know. Personally, I like the fact that God's word is shallow enough for the lamb to be able to wade through (being such that children and explorers can understand) while deep enough for the elephant to swim in (being such that we will never quit learning and growing).
In the love of Christ,