Friday, October 17, 2008

Thought of the Day !!

"For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his fathers and his body decayed."
Acts 13:36 (NIV)

I read a devotion this morning that told me to replace David's name with my own and ask if this epitaph could still be said. I found this to be a good point. Do you think it could be said about yourself?

There's an old poem that you may have heard on one, or even many times, called the dash. The gist of this poem is that when we die there is a date of birth and a date of death placed on our headstones. But it's the dash, or what happened between those years that is truly important.

When your funeral is held, what could truthfully be said about you. Will someone be able to say that you "served God's purpose in [your] own generation"? Will people say that you were a person of faith? Of Love? Of values?

Will people remember you as someone who accomplished much in wealth and prestige and honor among men and women no matter what the cost? Or will it be able to be said about you that no matter how much wealth and prestige and honor you had, you were always guided by and thankful to God.

When your dash is being discussed at your eulogy, will the person that knew you the least be able to say the same thing that the one that knew you the best, and that is that you loved God and loved neighbor.

May God bless you today as you become a blessing to others in His service. May love and joy and peace be the gifts that you receive.

In the love of Christ,


At 10/18/08, 7:19 PM, Blogger DannyG said...

Greg, with (J)'s continued deterioration, this post is so appropriate. Despite being placed on oxygen, she spent 8 hrs today (and will be spending 6 hrs tomorrow) at the Women's Expo manning the booth for Hope House. And in a couple of weeks we have a marrow drive at our church, and, God willing, she will be there too. She is determined not to quit until she can no longer physically manage. She is filling that dash in pretty well.

At 10/20/08, 6:22 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

May God bless (J) in all her heroic God-filled ministry. And may God bless you too, who I know is doing a pretty good job himself of filling out the dash.


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