Monday, January 05, 2009

Thought of the Day !!

Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Hebrews 10:24 (NIV)

Happy New Year!!

Yeah, I know, we're already 5 days into 2009. But I've had a short break from our devotions and haven't written yet this year. As a matter of fact, I feel like I've not written in ages. So I begin anew with the new year hoping to spur you on toward love and good deeds.

Now that Christmas has come and gone and the Advent candles of love, hope, faith and peace have quit being lit, these themes need to continue in our hearts. We must show love to a world so steeped in sin and in desperate need of it. We can't help but search for it ourselves. And we'll not be complete until we've experienced it.

Love can be (but is not always) an emotion. The true love that Jesus taught about is hard work. It's sacrificial in nature, which means that others are put first. But when we all show love to one another, life gets better. It even gets easier. Ironic isn't it, I mean real love being hard work, yet making our lives easier. You see, though hate or an uncaring attitude about others is easier on the outset, it makes our lives more difficult and less joyful in the long run. This is because we're not created to go it alone. We're created to share loving relationships with each other. And only when we're being what we were created to be will our lives run more smoothly.

So spur each other on to love and the good deeds that show this love. Let this be our New Year's resolution as we find joy and give it all at the same time.

In the love of Christ,


At 1/5/09, 2:08 PM, Blogger Art said...

Happy New Year Greg!

At 1/6/09, 7:25 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

Right back at ya Art!


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