Thought of the Day !!
Jesus asked, "Didn't I heal ten men? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"
Luke 17:17-18 (NLT)
This is the ending of a story where Jesus heals 10 lepers, at least one of which being a Samaritan. They were told to go to the priests, and on the way they were each healed. But only one came back to thank the man who had made them whole.
I once read the story of Edward Spencer who in 1860 risked his life to jump into Lake Michigan and save 17 people from a sinking passenger steamer. In his later years a reporter came to him to do a follow up piece about the wreck and his heroics. He stated that what he remembered most is that not one of the 17 people that he saved that night ever thanked him.
Spencer risked his life for those people, but Jesus gave his for us. How many of us are like the other 9 lepers and go on about our business?
Thanking Jesus for what he has done for us isn't merely saying the words or even sending a thank-you card. It's living a life of thanks and obedience. It's remembering daily what Christ has done and the love that brought Him to do it. Of these two stories, out of 27 people only 1 showed a thankful heart. I wonder how many of us Christians live our lives expecting more that we deserve instead of being grateful for what we don't?
In the love of Christ,