Friday, March 19, 2010

Thought of the Day !!

[God says,] "As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you."
Isaiah 66:13 (NIV)

Often times when a small child hurts itself, it runs to momma for loving care. Every family is not the same of course, and sadly, every mother is not a good mother. But in a perfect world all mothers would bring about comfort to their children.

And in an imperfect world God brings about comfort to all, no matter what the family setting. Our God is not just some deity up there that cares nothing for what He's created. He cared enough about you and about me to come live among us. He cares enough even now to listen to us, share His Holy Spirit with us, mourn with us, laugh with us and bring comfort to us.

When you think you're all alone in this world, keep in mind that there's always someone else there that cares. God walks with us, sometimes carrying us when things get too tough. And our Lord will never leave us.

May we all seek to imitate our Father in Heaven by bringing comfort to those in need that are around us.

In the love of Christ,


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