Monday, July 22, 2013

Thought of the Day !!

And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need.         
                                                      Acts 2:44-45 (NLT)

After devoting themselves to the Apostles’ teaching, the first believers put into practice what they were learning.  They dedicated themselves to service taking seriously the teaching of Jesus where he taught to be great one must serve.
First of all they shared with each other so none of their own was in need.  As Christians we are supposed to be first responders when our Church family are in need.  Sometimes this need will be financial.  At other times it will be emotional.  Whether we’re called upon to help a grieving widow or train up a child or give to one who’s lost a job, it is imperative that we help each other when needs arrive.  

We are not to look within only, though.  Needs within the community of faith will arise, but even more so, it seems, are the needs outside our family.  The first believers did what was necessary to provide money for those in need outside their group as well.  After giving your tithe to your church, you might be called upon to support a mission trip, or buy food for a hungry person, or work in a soup kitchen, or volunteer as a mentor, etc. 
The key to this verse is that the believers gave so that those within their community didn’t go without, and then gave so that all those that they knew who were in need were taken care of as well.  Today this is a huge task, but one that we’re no less called to.  

In the love of Christ,


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