Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Thought of the Day !!

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. – 2 Corinthians 5:15 (NIV)

We have all sinned and fallen away from God.  We’re all guilty.  Not one of us is able to stand before a perfect God and claim that we are without fault. 

That being said, the perfect God that we come before has decided, out of love and great sacrifice, to pardon us.  This came at a great cost to Himself.  Though we may claim that this is true, have we really paid attention to what this means?  1 Corinthians 6:20 tells us that we were bought with a price.  The New Living Translation adds “a high price”.  This “high” price is Jesus’ own sweat, tears, agony, pain…his own blood.

How often have I taken this for granted and lived my life like a spoiled kid who forgets how much of a sacrifice a parent makes for him or her.  How often have I lived as though this freedom of mine is well-deserved? 

God doesn’t want us to be loaded down with guilt.  We shouldn’t go through life believing we have to pay Him back somehow.  But we should take seriously the cost, and live accordingly.  This means living life abundantly for Jesus, which is ultimately loving Him more than anything and loving each other as evidence of the love we have for God.

I urge you to meditate (think deeply about) who your life is really lived for most.  Speak to Jesus today and ask forgiveness for where your life is more about you than Him.  Seek God’s presence through His Holy Spirit to show you the way to a more abundant life.  And find your joy in Him.

In the love of Christ,



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