Saturday, October 08, 2005

I wonder if I blew it

What do you do when you see someone you don't know drinking and about to drive?

I was at the local quick-stop earlier today buying some snacks for the baseball game tonight when I saw her. She was not an elderly lady. But she wasn't what I'd call young either. She was at the counter and taking a rather long time. I stood patiently waiting while she slowly rambled through her money. My thoughts were that she was just slow (either slow physically or mentally) because she didn't seem to stagger around or spurt out a bunch of gibberish talk like someone who was drunk may do.

Well, the lady finally left, and I put my Pepsi and chips on the counter. This is when the clerk stated that she hoped that lady wasn't driving. Evidently, to her the lady wreaked of alcohol (of course that didn't stop her from selling her two big bottles of beer). The lady was already out the door at this time.

As I came out, I saw her in her car. And the only possible proof of her being drunk was that of the clerk's assumption. As I opened my car door, I saw her turning one the bottles up. But I got in my car and just prayed for her and anyone else on the road she may meet as I headed back home. And since then I've wondered...did I blow it as a minister and as a Christian...or am I just being too hard on myself? I wonder if there was something I should have done, or even could have done. And I'll never know.

But this got me to thinking about the opportunities that come our way to be Christ for those who need it most. Do we really take the time to do something that might even be embarrassing like go up to people we don't know and share the love of Christ in one way or another? Do we notice the opportunities that God places before us? Or do we pass them by?

I don't know if I should have done anything or not at the store earlier today. But I do know that I need to pay more attention to the little things that may come my way so that I won't totally fail at being what Christ is trying to lead me to be.

In the love of Christ,


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