Friday, November 04, 2005

Question of the day ??

How can a truly loving God let bad things happen to His children?

(btw - I believe I came up with the "true" answer to our important theological question from yesterday. Check out my last comment to see if you agree.)


At 11/4/05, 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Greg...reluctant permission through freedom of that's true love...remember, our loving God loved the world (you and me) so much that he allowed his one and only Son to be crucified, so that everyone who believes in him would not perish but receive eternal life things happen and God is always at work in the midst of things to bring about good...thanks for the questions...spend a day in the midst of what God's doing...

At 11/4/05, 10:17 AM, Blogger Beth Quick said...

I have to go with anonymous - it's that free choice thing. We always want it both ways- A God who lets us make choices when we like those results, and a God who will sweep in and make things happen when we think we'd screw it up too much!


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