Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Thought of the Day !! / Question of the Day ??

They would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.
Acts 2:45

This passage is about the Early Church and how they responded to the needs of each other. In reading this passage on a sheet that I had to fill out for my annual Charge Conference (UMC meeting), the following principle was given along with the scripture reading. It said "Healthy churches connect in ministry through service and mission within and beyond the Body of Christ."

Think about your own church (wherever it may be and whatever denomination it may be). Is your congregation responding to the needs around them through faithful servanthood and mission?

In what ways does your congregation practice hospitality?

Does your congregation place a high value on loving others, even those unlike themselves?

Ponder these questions today and celebrate the answers that are pleasing to God. Or think about how you can affect change if the answers are not what God would like to hear.

In the love of Christ,


At 9/27/06, 3:21 PM, Blogger TN Rambler said...

Thanks for the questions. I am serving my first appointment to a congregation that hasn't been a church for a number of years. They've been too busy fighting one another and dealing with egos to go about the work that we are called to do.

In the 14 weeks that I've been here, we've accomplished one thing: we have people talking to one another without throwing things at one another for the first time in years. The Holy Spirit is at work and we invite not only the HS but the courage to do those things that we will be called to do.

Healing is taking place and as that healing takes place, we are looking for ways to reach out to the community...but we also have to change the long standing impression that this congregation has had in the community in order to be accepted as genuine.

Are we a healthy church yet? Not quite, but we're in the recovery room! Thanks be to God!

At 9/28/06, 8:51 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

Amen. May God continue to bless your ministry there.


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