I would not be surprised at all if N. Korea sold its nuclear technology to Iran some free lance terrorist group like Al-Qaeda. If they in turn used it, it would be short matter of time until that action was traced back to N. Korea. I agree with Doodle that we are overextended, but it only takes two keys and two fingers to launch a small or medium yeild tactical nuclear weapon against the N. Korea. I am not sure that if N. Korea participated in actions as I described, I am not sure the US would reserve or withold using that technology over a conventional ground war.
Not that will include the US. We are over extended in Iraq. I hope in the case of North Korea, diplomacy is given a chance.
I would not be surprised at all if N. Korea sold its nuclear technology to Iran some free lance terrorist group like Al-Qaeda. If they in turn used it, it would be short matter of time until that action was traced back to N. Korea. I agree with Doodle that we are overextended, but it only takes two keys and two fingers to launch a small or medium yeild tactical nuclear weapon against the N. Korea. I am not sure that if N. Korea participated in actions as I described, I am not sure the US would reserve or withold using that technology over a conventional ground war.
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