Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Thought of the Day !!

I would like to say that I am sorry for the seemingly lack of "Thoughts" lately. I am trying a new schedule out. I'm trying to go to the YMCA every morning before work. I am struggling with high blood sugar and need to exercise regularly. I don't eat as well as I should and don't exercise as I should. I am trying to do better in both areas, but both are hard for me. Please keep me in your prayers. And know that I will settle into a routine where I will be doing the Thoughts at the same time again and every day. I just don't know when I will be doing them. Thanks for your patience.


If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Romans 12:18 (NIV)

What do you think this might mean for you? Are there angry people in your life that you'd like to respond in kind? Does revenge ever enter your mind...even a slight a case? Do you ever want to treat others as they treat you instead of as you would like for them to treat you (Golden Rule)?

When Jesus told his disciples that he was going to leave them with his peace, it was a peace that passes all understanding (Paul's words). It was a peace that went beyond the absence of conflict. It was the ability to live joyfully even in the presence of conflict.

Can we live at peace in a world where people will try to take advantage of us and it seems that everyone wants something? Can we live at peace with those who hate us or even might want to do us harm? Can we live at peace with people who don't care about us?

We can if we ask and allow Jesus to give us His Peace. This truly is the peace that passes all understanding. It can get us through anything because it never promises us a rose garden. It promises to strengthen, sustain and never leave our side. That peace is Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.

May the peace of Jesus be with you today.

In the love of Christ,


At 4/18/07, 9:12 AM, Blogger doodlebugmom said...

Hope you get your blood sugar in check and get feeling better soon. Will be keeping you in my prayers.


At 4/18/07, 9:28 AM, Blogger doodlebugmom said...

and you have mail

At 4/18/07, 10:36 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

Thanks DBMom

At 4/18/07, 1:20 PM, Blogger DannyG said...

qGreg, it's good that you are getting on top of this now, as (J)'s neglect of the warnings has led to (most) of her recent health problems. I am going to add a suggestion to consider two dietary supplements which may help. Chromium Picolinate is well documented to assist with glucose metabolism in type II diabetes(adult onset or NIDDM...or whetever the current politically correct designation is). In the hospital we routinely add chromium to intravenous nutrition formulas of patients who are having boarderline high glucoses instead of going direct to insulin. It took about 10 points off of (J)s fasting blood sugars. The usual dose is 200mcg with 1-2 tabs daily for an adult with normal renal fx. You may also want to consider Cinnamon capsules. The evidence here is not as clear, but my experience seems to be that it is worth a try. You will be in our prayers.

At 4/18/07, 2:53 PM, Blogger TN Rambler said...

Concentrate on your health Greg. Don't worry about the posts.

May the peace of Christ be with you as well.

At 4/18/07, 3:01 PM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

Thanks guys (Danny and Wayne)

I'll check that stuff out danny. Can I get it at wal-mart?

My a1c has been 7 for the last couple of 3 month checks. If it is 7 again (or worse) we will try a new medicine. I just can't see me injecting myself with a shot every day. I'm afraid of needles as it is.

I've got 3 days of walking on treadmill at the Y. I hope that will make a difference. I plan on doing about 4-5 days a week.

At 4/18/07, 8:47 PM, Blogger DannyG said...

Yes, the chromium you should be able to get at wally-world or walgreens, cvs, etc. The Cinnamon you might have to go to a place like medicine shoppe. For po Rx medications, I don't know what they have you on now (metformin aka glucophage is a usual first start these days). Avandia is what we put (J) on along with the chromium and it took her A1C from 9.5 to 5.5. Took a couple of months to come down, but it was nice and steady. Also, it is time independent, and does not cause low blood sugar when taken solo. You do need to do liver enzymes for the first year or so, but it doesn't interact with as many things as metformin.

At 4/19/07, 8:51 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...


I will look for the Chromium Picolinate at Wal-Mart the next time I go.

I've been getting the A1C done every three months. I hear a lot of stuff and read a fair amount until I get tired of it. Different doctors will get scared (if you will) at different numbers. I would love to hear your thoughts.

I have had a 7 on both my last A1C's. From the bulk of my learning, I understand that to be at the very tail end of acceptable range, but I wouldn't want it there forever. I understand that I should strive for 6 or below. My doctor says he's not going to worry until next time and if it is the same or worse, we will try different meds. You hit the nail on the head. I'm on glucaphage (high dosage) and avandia (low dosage).

Should I wait to see my doctor first before taking he Chromium? And how many milligrams?

Would anyone else like to comment that knows about diabetes?

At 4/22/07, 9:30 AM, Blogger DannyG said...

The usual starting dose is 200mcg, with one a day. You can go up to 2 a day in a few weeks if no effect. Since the effect is gradual and there isn't much in the way of drug interactions you don't have to consult your dr, but it isn't bad as a courtsey. Also, are you checking your Blood Sugars regularly? If not, get with your insurance provider and see which meeter they pay for and have your dr prescribe it and all of the stuff that goes with it. I usually recommend doing a fasting BS daily then a 2 hrs postprandial (after meal)...rotate breakfast, lunch, and supper. the fasting tells you how you are doing in general whilst the after meal one tells you how your body is handling a challange.

At 4/23/07, 3:42 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

I got a meter and quit using it after 2 or 3 months. I could check a finger and go right back and check it again not 2 minutes later to find my blood sugar was 20 or 30 points higher or lower. I figured if I couldn't trust it there was no sense in using it.


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