Monday, February 09, 2009

Prayer Request for Pilgrimage

Today's "Thought of the Day !!" is a request. I am extremely excited that tomorrow morning Michelle and I will be leaving on a plane headed for Atlanta, Rome and a final destination of Tel Aviv, Israel.

My request is for your prayers for us as we are away. There are people who are worried about us and tell us to be careful (see mom, you're not the only one). But truth be told, Michelle and I have no fear or worry. We believe that we're supposed to be on this trip and that everything will be fine. We know that there is still a lot of violence going on over there, but our God has given us peace.

So pray for our safety (for that surely won't hurt). But please pray for God to increase our knowledge of the Holy Land, wisdom about how to use this knowledge and our faith in general. Please pray, with us, that God does something great through this trip and that we come back changed for the better and closer to our Heavenly Father than ever before.

I know that this pilgrimage to the Holy Land will be exciting and Spirit-filled. And I pray that when I return the effects will be able to be used in my devotions and in my church.

We leave tomorrow morning and come home next Thursday evening. I may get a chance to write before then, but if not, plan on the "Thoughts" returning on Monday, Feb. 23. May God bless you and keep you in the interim.

In the love of Christ,


At 2/9/09, 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg, I will indeed be in prayer for the two of you. Be careful and be aware of the people around you. But most of all be aware of God around you. Jerusalem is holy ground and to walk where our Lord walked will change you forever. Mark

At 2/9/09, 8:26 AM, Blogger DannyG said...

Wow. I only wish that I could make such a journey. Yes, you're on the prayer list, brother.

At 2/9/09, 2:26 PM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

Thanks Mark and Danny

At 2/10/09, 7:03 AM, Blogger TN Rambler said...

Greg, may God's blessing be upon you both as you embark upon your journey.


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