Thought of the Day !!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.
When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, it means that He is the one who rules our lives. He becomes our center instead of ourselves. By God's grace, we change in that respect. All aspects of our lives may not immediately change. There very well could be many things about our past lives that we have a hard time giving up, or simply don't want to stop. This happens when people have accepted God's grace but are still clinging on to their old lives.
We have to choose though. Jesus teaches that we cannot serve two masters. Only one can come first. Does that mean that once we become Christians, God expects us to quit all our sinful behavior cold turkey? I believe that God knows how hard it is for us. And all He expects us to do is try to live for Him instead of ourselves. When we do that, and ask for His help, He will help us work things out. He's not looking for perfection out of us all at once. He is, however, expecting us to try. His grace will be sufficient when we fail. And He will guide us to perfection in time.
If your claim is to be a Christian, but your life is the same as before, maybe you should re-evaluate your claim. Remember, Christian means to be Christ-like. Are you really making your best effort to become Christ-like in ALL aspects of your life?
In the love of Christ,
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