Friday, April 18, 2014

What's So Good About Friday?

[Jesus] said, "It is finished!" Then he bowed his head and released his spirit.
          John 19:30 (NLT)

Today is Good Friday.  But what's so good about the day we remember the death of our Savior and King?  It's good because Jesus, God in human form, came down from Heaven and gave himself up for us so that we could be free.  In his dying, death was defeated so that we could have eternal life.  We need to remember this because without the dying on Friday Easter would simply be another Sunday.

What's so good about the Friday that Jesus died?  It's good because no one could kill Jesus.  Neither the Jews or their leaders put him on that cross.  It wasn't Pilate or the Roman soldiers who put him there.  Some would say it was us and our sins who put him there.  But even that is not correct.  He chose the nails.  He chose the cross.  He chose to die for our sins.  That's what's so good about Good Friday.

Remember the sacrifice that our God made for us today.  No other religion that I know of can make the same claim of a God who loves His people so much that He would sacrifice himself for them.  Our God is an awesome God who loves us and desires us to be close to Him.  That's what's so good about this Friday.

In the love of Christ,


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