Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Question of the day ??

Are some sins worse than others, or is sin simply sin?


At 12/28/05, 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Excellent question....

I think that idea of the some sin being worse than others is derived from Dante in the Divine Comedy where he associates different levels of hell with different sins. Unfortunately, this has remained in the culture of the church both in Roman Catholic and most Protestant denominations. I think that the majority of United Methodists would say that the telling of a white lie such as "calling in sick to work" or "stealing a pen from the office supply cabinet" are much less sins than having an adulterous affair.

However, that is not what the Bible says. The Bible says that all sin separates us from God. It doesn't matter if we only sin once in our life (as if that were possible) or if we sin 10,000 times per day. Without the covering of that sin with the Blood of Christ, it is the same in the eyes of a Perfect and Holy God.

At 12/28/05, 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Greg...there is nothing simple about sin...sin separates us from God...sin separates us from our neighbor...sin separates us from being the best God created us to be...separation from God is Hell...I don't believe God rates sin...I do believe that humanity tries to classify and catagorize sin, so as to believe that some sinners are not as sinful as other sinners, merely trying to justify their behavior or trying to make themselves feel better...I do believe that as God doesn't rate sin, but rather declares our sin forgiven through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and our belief in the grace of God through Jesus...and as we believe, Jesus would say, "Go and Sin no more!"...thanks for the question...sin forgiven day...


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