Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Thought of the Day !!

I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God.
Luke 12:8

We acknowledge Jesus on Sunday morning when we go to church. We acknowledge him at choir practice or some evening service. We acknowledge him when we work on some mission project such as Habitat for Humanity or Society of St. Andrew. We acknowledge him when we write a check out for disaster relief or St. Jude. These are but a few ways that we acknowledge Jesus. And I believe that each and every one brings a smile to God's face.

But let us not fall into the trap that Peter fell into. He acknowledged Jesus before friends, but denied him before enemies. He spoke loudly in front of the other disciples, but cowered in the midst of the world that night before the cock crowed.

In other words, let our acknowledgement of him be as strong at work, in the field, at the doctor's office, at Wal-Mart, in traffic, on the phone with telemarketers (yes, even them), at our kid's sporting event, at the mall, at the theater, when we're out to eat, in our business meetings, etc. - let our acknowledgement of Jesus be the same in these times as it is on Sunday morning when we worship or before we go to bed when we pray.

Do this, and Jesus will acknowledge you. In the end, that's the best we can ask for...for Christ to acknowledge us as one of His own to His Father. And God will be proud to call us sons and daughters who were proud to acknowledge Him and His Son while on earth.

In the love of Christ,


At 6/20/06, 8:28 PM, Blogger Neil said...

Thanks for the challenging post. It is easy to deny Christ in so many subtle ways.


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