Thursday, April 19, 2007

Question of the Day ??

What is the most immediate threat to our society today?


At 4/19/07, 12:02 PM, Blogger The Bass Player's Wife said...

Truly? Perhaps I am in the minority, but I see no "immediate" threats to our society. I think, however, that our complacency is going to be a long-term problem.

At 4/20/07, 7:34 AM, Blogger DannyG said...

Incivility in public discourse. I grew up in a small New England town, whete the annual town meeting was the core form of governance. Voters gathered at the town hall and the various proposals were brought up for public discussion. Everyone and anyone who had a comment could, and did,comment. The moderator would alternate pro/con speakers on particularly contentious subjects, but everyone got their say, eventually. Voting was either voice (when issue was not in doubt), by division (Aye on one side, nays on the other side), or secret ballot (last resort). At the end of the day, everyone went back to the same churches, businesses, kids played on same teams, etc. Now it seems that people divide-and stay divided. They don't want to associate with the "other".

At 4/20/07, 8:05 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Externally, I think that terrorism is our most immediate threat. We've kinda buried our heads in the sand since there have been no attacks after 9/11, but I believe the threat is still very real.

At 4/20/07, 2:08 PM, Blogger doodlebugmom said...

Lack or respect for others. (and I could write a novel, but I will spare you)

At 4/20/07, 2:41 PM, Blogger John said...

Nuclear proliferation. As time progresses, it gets increasingly easy to build a nuke. It was once the domain of only very wealthy and sophisticated nations. Eventually, any wacko will be able to do it with the chemicals found in a Wal-Mart.

At 4/20/07, 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as a Christian, I am taught that I am chiefly a citizen of a heavenly society, first, and an earthly society second. Therefore, I see absolutely no threat at all to our heavenly society.

However, here on earth, our greatest threat is the decline and waning influence of Western civilization, Western education, and Western Christianity. The very fabric of our society from the decline of the Roman Empire to now has been built from these things. Western Christianity supported Western governments and educational institutions that produced the brick and mortar, the science and technology, and the moral values of our Western Civilization. But, for the first time in 2000 years in our earthly society these institutions are on the retreat, not the advance. Godless “isms” (take your pick - humanism, naturalism, socialism, globalism, nationalism, Islamofacism, self centralism, racism, terrorism, political correctism, culturalism, to name a very few…) are all on the attack of Western Christian ideals and values. The attack is Satanic in nature and the targets are very specific even though the attackers are vastly diverse.


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