Thursday, July 26, 2007

Question of the Day ??

Have you ever been in worship and felt led by the Holy Spirit to worship differently than others or than you've done in the past?

For example, if you're laid back and very traditional, have you ever lifted you hands or gone to the altar at a time when there was no altar call? Or if you're a free-spirited worshiper, have you ever felt led to just be silent and listen while everyone else is clapping and shouting?


At 7/27/07, 6:31 PM, Blogger Brother Marty said...

I've opened my arms, palms up, and lifted them not quite over my head. I didn't know that anybody else did that till I was preaching one Sunday (I don't always preach in my own church - usually other churches filling in for a sick pastor)at my home church. A woman in the last pew often raises her hands during moving hymns or times of prayer or potent preaching. I guess that's why she sits in the last nobody sees
I've also gone to the alter when an alter call was made. That is unusual in our church as nobody ever answers the invitation. I was the first and now we have some "regulars" who come up as soon as myself or one other man go first.
We're a very conservative church but at times I've applauded or shouted amen when moved to do so.
At first I thought I'd be ostracized for such behavior, but I've come to understand that some perceive this behavior as interesting, entertaining or amusing. But, I pray that as time goes by I be more free to not withhold what the Holy Spirit is convicting me to do in worship. Scary sometimes...but I always feel better when submitting rather than resisting.

At 7/28/07, 7:15 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

Thanks for sharing brother marty.

At 8/1/07, 6:19 PM, Blogger John said...

I often ball up my hands into fists and clutch them close to my chest when I'm in the Spirit during powerful worship times.


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