Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Thought of the Day !!

The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, "Come, be my disciple."
John 1:43 (NLT)

Before any of Jesus' disciples became disciples, they were called. And just as Jesus chose the original twelve, he chooses us today to follow as well.

Jesus called Philip to be a disciple. In becoming a disciple, Philip would witness the miraculous powers of Christ and later go and be a witness for Christ. Jesus wants to do the same with us. He wants us to witness his power and his love. But then he wants us to go and share these by being witnesses to others.

How is he calling you to be a disciple today? Are you to witness by working with the impoverished? Are you to witness by your visits to check on the sick or the elderly or even the imprisoned? Is it to be through preaching or teaching God's Word to others? Is it to be through a simple testimony or the help given to a friend in need?

Remember, God calls us all to a primary relationship with Him through His Son. But that's only the beginning. As Paul puts it in his letter to the Ephesians, we've been created in Christ Jesus to do the good works that God has already planned for us. This means that we've been called to serve as disciples of Christ.

Now if God's gone to the trouble of planning ways for us to serve, maybe we ought to try figuring out just where and how to do this. The key to figuring this out is to search ourselves and see where God has gifted us. Then we can use what He's given us. When we do this, we will have accepted the call of Jesus to be disciples.

In the love of Christ,


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