Thursday, February 16, 2006

Anonymous Revealed

There has been this anonymous person to create comments to my blog that I knew I knew. I just couldn't put my finger on who it is. Well, I finally found out with this post on my latest Question of the Day !!

P.S...Greg you've asked more than once about my identity, I've placed several hints in my writings, but today I'll say it with no you remember me...Mike...from Mineral Wells UMC...and our ministerial luncheons over Chinese...I've enjoyed blogging with you and the others who share their thoughts and look forward to continuing having fun with the question of the day...have a day filled with God-stuff...


I knew I recognized that sign off, but for some reason just never added it up. Of course I remember. How could I forget one of my early mentors. Is that scary or what?

Thanks for coming clean, and it's a priviledge having you here.

Guys and gals...fellow Mr. Anonymous - Rev. Mike Sahler.

btw - I think it's your turn to buy the Chinese...or did I EVER buy? :)


At 2/16/06, 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please, Greg! There are others of us who may wish to remain anonymous while we torment you. You never know when we'll show up. See you soon.

At 2/17/06, 9:37 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

This wording sounds awfully familiar too. Sometimes words are sharper when eyesight dwindles???

If it's you, you'll understand. If it's not you, then maybe I just blew your mind! ha ha

At 2/17/06, 6:05 PM, Blogger Questing Parson said...

I'm envious, Greg. You are young enough to have mentors who are still alive.


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