Thursday, May 18, 2006

Question of the day ??

Who's more offensive, the South Park kids or Jimmy Swaggart?


At 5/18/06, 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep wondering how JS got back on TV??? Personally, I find both JS & South Park repulsive.

At 5/18/06, 8:45 AM, Blogger doodlebugmom said...

I have never had the interest to watch either of them.

At 5/18/06, 9:07 PM, Blogger John said...

Swaggart. South Park is very funny and usually very wise.

What's the next question, Greg? What's tastier -- chocolate or anti-freeze?

At 5/19/06, 10:18 AM, Blogger Tony said...

They both disgust me, although JS not as much as in the past.

At 5/19/06, 10:24 AM, Blogger Tony said...

Anti-freeze is actually pretty tasty (or so I have heard). Let some leak out and dogs will lick it right up. It supposedly has a sweet taste.

Of course, then they die.

But I've heard that chocolate will kill dogs, too.

At 5/19/06, 10:02 PM, Blogger Jonathon said...

I LOVE BOTH OF THEM!!! I tried to get Jimmy Swaggart to come and do a youth revival that we were having at blakemore. I wish I could see Jimmy Swaggart and Earnest Angley in a death match.

At 5/21/06, 11:58 PM, Blogger Chaplain Feeser said...

I have not watched enough South Park to make a fair assessment of it offensiveness. More of a Beavis & Butthead guy myself.

As for Jimmy, I don't see he or his ministry as offensive. I listen to SonLife Radio pretty often in short snippetts. (I can't take prolonged exposure.) Their whole deal comes across to me as fork-tongued.

They seem to constantly contradict themselves on subject. One example is how they seem to vasilate between a prosperity or non-prosperity gospel. I notice this especially if they are doing a fund-raising week and if you give then God will bless you, but when the subject is brought up during a normal time frame then the advocate the opposite.

Just my opinion.

At 5/22/06, 8:18 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

Hey Feez,

Don't you think it's offensive that JS is speaking on behalf of God and spewing venom at everyone else and then going and doing the same as some of those he spews such hatred at?

I was listening one day and Jimmy's wife ripped C.S. Lewis. She said he led a lot of people on the way to hell. Even though I agree with Swaggart on a few things, such as prosperity gospel, all he does is cast stones and divide folks.

Of course that's only my opinion and my rant. I'll shut up now and pray for forgiveness...ha ha.

At 5/22/06, 12:59 PM, Blogger Chaplain Feeser said...

Actually, thanks for reminding me. I had suppressed the fact that I remember listening to them trash him on day, but I try to consider the source. It does really bother me that he couches nearly all of his comments in the sense that God calls him on the phone each night and tells him exactly what to say. He tends to forget the fact that we all hear God, but we often get in the way of the words.

Also, I would love to have a copy of his Bible with his commentary interjected after every verse. Wouldn't that get annoying while reading. One thing that bothers me is what seems to be their view of the Old Testament. Now I do believe that much of the OT points to Christ as the Messiah, but they read the OT as if there was no contemporary context for the Scripture until the coming of Christ. "Everything" points to their vision of Christ. While the OT points to the NT, it can also stand on its own as part of God's Word.

At 5/22/06, 4:17 PM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

exactamundo Feez.

I kinda like that. I think I'll start calling you Feez now. :)


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