Monday, January 15, 2007

Question / Thought of the Day !!

"God's kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidently found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic - what a find! - and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money and buy that field."
Matthew 13:44 (The Message)

Just how important is the field to you...the trespasser?

What would you give up to buy the field?

What should you give up?

Is there anything you haven't given up that might possibly keep you from gaining the field?

In the love of Christ,


At 1/15/07, 7:34 PM, Blogger Brother Marty said...

Bro Greg,
I haven't given up my family nor my job. But I have given up service to myself and pray that God will help with my responsibilities to family and employees such that I can enter into full time ministry. (Gotta pay them bills and salaries.)

I often wonder how much more I could do for the kingdom with 50 more hours a week! Till then, I'm making the most of the before and after hours in His service.


At 1/16/07, 8:06 AM, Blogger Greg Hazelrig said...

Only 50 more hours? :)

I don't think we're called to give up stuff like family or jobs. We are instead called to turn them over to God.

I once preached a sermon about how great family was, but how even the greatest things on earth could become what we worship and place before God. I've seen that on several occasions I'm afraid. But when we've turned even the best things in our lives over to God, making Him our first priority, then they actually become better and more important and more joyous than when we were trying to make them number one.

I would be willing to venture that you too have not given up family or job, but may have given them over to God. Just remember what priority number one is and everything below that will be better for it.

Have a blessed day.


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