Friday, September 02, 2005

A last post before going to bed

I received a call right out of the blue today from a lady in Northeast Colorado in a community of 2700 people. She wanted to send a bus down to Mississippi and pick up 56 people (bus capacity). These people would be brought to her community and taken in just as one would take in a foreign exchange student. They could stay as long as they wanted. Their kids would be enrolled in school. Jobs would be found for them, and they could stay if there was nothing else to go home to. And when (or if) they decided to go home, they would be given a ticket to leave.

She said she wanted to work through a church organization. After speaking with the district UMCOR director, he is looking into making this a possibility.

In a time when we hear about shootings and rape and looting, it's nice to hear some good news.


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