The Toolbox Convention
Ephesians 4:1-6I. Read Ephesians 4:1-6II. The Toolbox ConventionThe tools in the Master Carpenter’s tool belt decided to have a convention one day. All the tools had gathered together and at the end of the day they were going to vote for tool of the year. Seeing as how there weren’t many tools in the belt, all their names were submitted as nominations.
After a lot of discussion among the tools, some were complaining that the hammer’s name should be withdrawn. Though it’s true that he normally drives his point home very well, he had bent a few nails out of shape. And we all know that when you get bent out of shape, you’re just not worth anything. He’s also been known to beat things to death.
In his defense, the hammer claimed that some things were just too important not to forcefully drive home. And as to bending some nails…well, he figured if it hadn’t been him, something else would’ve gotten them all bent out of shape. So what’s the difference?
Then he decided that he’d withdraw his nomination, but if he was going to do that, then the screwdriver should withdraw hers as well. His reasoning was that all she ever did was go round and round in circles, never really getting anything accomplished.
The hurt screwdriver pointed out that she brought things together. Admittedly…sometimes…maybe things got stripped out and wouldn’t hold any longer. But surely she did more good than harm.
“And anyway, if my name is gonna be taken out, then you got to also take out the Sandpaper’s name too. He may smooth out some rough edges, but you know, he can also be pretty pushy in the process. And I don’t know if having a decent finished project is really worth it if you’re being pushy in the process.”
The sandpaper was incensed. He said, “At least I’m not like the Level. She claims that she keeps us from going downhill, but I say she’s just being judgmental…judging whether things are really straight or not.”
Mrs. Level bit back, “If you’re gonna take my name out, you got to take out the Tape Measure’s name too. Don’t get me started on how he measures things up to his own standards.”
With that the Tape Measure angrily attacked the plum line, saying that she may make straight lines, but that she didn’t allow any room for error. It had to be perfectly straight or not done at all.
The plum line was not there to defend herself. And so when it was time to vote for tool of the year, there were no nominations left to be had. And all the tools just sat in silence…angry at each other…and not caring about the dumb old award anymore.
Then the Master Carpenter came in and put on his tool belt. Noticing that all his tools looked upset, he inquired about the problem. After being told about the award and how all the nominations were withdrawn, he told them to look at the chair they’d finished the day before.
Then he asked them, “Would this chair be able to hold up if it were not for the hammer’s nailing it together?” They all agreed that if it were not for the hammer, the chair wouldn’t stay together.
The Master Carpenter continued by asking what they would’ve done without the screwdriver to fasten the metal braces…or the sandpaper to make sure no one got splinters…or the level to make sure no one fell off the chair…or the tape measure to make sure the chair’s legs were all the same length. Then they all agreed that each one was needed.
Of course that still left out the plum line. But when they brought up this point, the Master’s response was that she was away being used to build a house for the chair to live in.
And all the tools learned a great lesson that day. They learned that though none of them were perfect, all of them were needed by the Master Carpenter to complete his task.
III. UnityHow many of us expect others to be perfect, all the while forgetting just how flawed we are?
Jesus teaches us about judging others in his Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 7. He tells us to be careful of finding the speck in someone else’s eye when we have a log in our own.
We must realize that we are all in this together as Christians…as the Church. Part of what is killing the Church today is the fact that we often times forget that we’re all on the same team and that we all have the same goal in mind.
Don’t let petty things divide us. Many things seem big, but in reality they’re just plain small. Maybe your feelings got hurt. Maybe you were shone up. Maybe you were disagreed with. Maybe you didn’t get your way. Maybe you lost the argument.
Does anyone remember how many times Jesus told Peter to forgive? (7 x 70)
Did he say to wait for a formal apology? (No)
Unity doesn’t mean we will all be clones of one another, thinking just alike. But it does mean that we stick together no matter what.
If you ask me, that’s kind of the definition of family. We may not always like each other – but we still love each other.
Paul wrote about this unity of ours in verses 4-6. (Read)
• There is one body
Christ is the head and the Church is the body. There’s an essential oneness that has to be in the Church for it to function with the head. It’s not the belief about this doctrine or that one. It’s not when or how to be baptized or who can take communion. It’s the belief in and love of…Christ. That is what’s essential for the Church to function in this world.
• There is one Spirit
The Greek word used for spirit is the same as the one used for breath. Think about it this way. If the body has no breath, it has no life. So in essence, if the body of Christ (the Church) has no Spirit, it has no life either. We must live by the leading of the Holy Spirit to sustain life in the Church. And we must do it together.
• There is one hope in our calling
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times. It doesn’t matter whether you’re Methodist, Baptist, Church of Christ, or what. We’ve all got the same goal in mind and the same leader. As long as that’s true, we’ll all make it to Heaven.
• There is one Lord
This is important. You see this has to be at the center of our faith. Jesus Christ is Lord is the closest saying that the early Church had to a creed. They celebrated Easter (or the Resurrection) every week and they believed that because of this Resurrection of Christ, that he was Lord of their lives. He was the one who ruled them and they obeyed out of love and not out of fear of the consequences.
• There is one faith
Paul didn’t mean that there was one way of believing, but that there was one deep sense of commitment. People who really believe in something will be committed to it.
• There is one baptism
There may be different ways of being baptized, but there is only one covenant between us and God.
• One God and Father of All
Paul writes that God is our Father…that He’s over all…through all…and in all. He’s not the creator of one group or another, but of all. This makes ALL of us, even the heathens, Muslims, pagans, atheists, communists and thieves…His children.
So…the question is…. Can we see past our differences and work together for Christ? Methodists and Baptists…Democrat and Republican…liberal and conservative…black and white…rich and poor…can we all come together, putting aside our differences and share the love of Christ with each other…& together with the world…as only Christians are called to do?
Let me share with you the lyrics of a song as I close. You might possibly know it. It’s called They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love.
They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love - Carolyn Arends
From the album Seize The Day & Other Stories
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
We will work with each other, we will work side by side
And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love
Love is patient, love is kindNever boasts, not full of prideAlways hopes, always trustsThe evidence of Christ in usWhat about us? Do people know we are Christians by our love and unity? Or does the way we live and speak about and treat each other make them wonder?