Monday, February 27, 2006

Congrats !!

Congrats to my friend Andy Stoddard for finally making the Methodist Blogroll. It's been a dream of his all his life and he would like to thank.... Well, I guess I'll let him take it from there.

But check him out and say hi to a fellow blogger and a halfway decent guy. Tell him Greg said hello.


Good morning, afternoon or evening, whichever the case may be. This is just a note to inform you that there will be no posts for a little while. Michelle and I are going on an Educational Opportunities tour where we will follow the footsteps of Paul on his second and third missional journeys into Europe. We fly out of Memphis early in the morning and after stopping in Atlanta and Frankfurt, will land in Venice, Italy. We will stay one evening there and then board a cruise ship sailing for Greece and Turkey.

We won't be back until March 10. So please check back in somewhere around 3/11 - 3/13 to hear about the trip. And yes, Danny, I plan to have pictures. Until then, God bless and have a very Christlike couple weeks.

In the love of Christ,

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Getting men to come to church

Mark Winter over at Marks Remarks has some great ideas about how to get men into church. Check his post entitled Do Real Men Go to Church? out.

Hat tip.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Question of the day ??

What kind of car do you think Jesus would drive?

Thought of the Day !!

Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Psalm 100:3

We live in a world of my, my, my and take, take, take. Our society teaches us to strive to be the best we can be. In our country we're taught that we can do anything we want to do. We're raised going to school and college to better ourselves.

All these things have one thing in common. The emphasis is on ME. It's not bad to do things for ourselves, but we must remember that this life is NOT all about us. When it all boils down to it, we aren't even our own. We are God's creation; we are His people.

Let us live as His people, enjoying life, but putting Him first and serving others. It's then that we'll find true joy.

In the love of Christ,

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Question of the day ??

If your life was a soap opera, what would the name of it be?

Thought of the Day !!

Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented.
Matthew 3:13-15

I used to wonder why in the world would Jesus be baptized. I mean wasn't he the only sinless person to live. And wasn't John's baptism a "baptism of repentance"?

Matthew is the only gospel who gives us an answer to this question, and it comes from Jesus' own mouth. He tells us that "it is do this to fulfill all righteousness". In other words, this is something that both of them must do to perform the revealed will of God. And so this is a self-sacrificial point in the life of Jesus where he does God's will. He doesn't just recommend that we do it. He doesn't say, "Do as I say", but instead he tells us to "Do as I say and as I do".

Jesus' most important consideration in life was doing the will of God. We can see this throughout his ministry. This is the reason that God shares God's appreciation with His Son as He proclaims "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

May we be reminded that just as Jesus strived for righteousness, or being in a right relationship with the Father and doing His will, we should as well. Jesus may be the only person who ever perfectly succeeded in this. But God is not expecting us to live up to what His Son did. He does expect us to try though. And don't worry. When we fail. We can start right back over again because of God's forgiveness.

In the love of Christ,

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Question of the day ??

What do you do in your spare time?

Thought of the Day !!

Philip went off to look for Nathanael and told him, "We have found the very person Moses and the prophets wrote about! His name is Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth." "Nazareth!" exclaimed Nathanael. "Can anything good come from there?
John 1:45-46 (NLT)

Be careful in pre-judging others. That's exactly what Nathanael did. He judged Jesus based on where he was from. "Can anything good come from (Nazareth)?" Maybe there were many people who came out of this area that were...let us just say..."less than perfect". But that doesn't mean that any of them should be judged based on the character of others from the same area.

If we're not careful we can do the very same thing that Nathanael did. We might even say or think something like, "Can any person of that race / religion / part of the country / etc. be of any count?" The truth of the matter is that we really don't know. So get to know someone before you judge them based on their color or age or social status or whatever. You just might find out that something good can even come from places like Nazareth.

In the love of Christ,

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Question of the day ??

What's your favorite sacrament, baptism or the Lord's Supper? (Remember, I didn't ask which is more important. I asked which you enjoyed being a part of more.)

Thought of the Day !!

The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, "Come, be my disciple."
John 1:43 (NLT)

Before any of Jesus' disciples became disciples, they were called. And just as Jesus chose the original twelve, he chooses us today to follow as well.

Jesus called Philip to be a disciple. In becoming a disciple, Philip would witness the miraculous powers of Christ and later go and be a witness for Christ. Jesus wants to do the same with us. He wants us to witness his power and his love. But then he wants us to go and share these by being witnesses to others.

How is he calling you to be a disciple today? Are you to witness by working with the impoverished? Are you to witness by your visits to check on the sick or the elderly or even the imprisoned? Is it to be through preaching or teaching God's Word to others? Is it to be through a simple testimony or the help given to a friend in need?

Remember, God calls us all to a primary relationship with Him through His Son. But that's only the beginning. As Paul puts it in his letter to the Ephesians, we've been created in Christ Jesus to do the good works that God has already planned for us. This means that we've been called to serve as disciples of Christ.

Now if God's gone to the trouble of planning ways for us to serve, maybe we ought to try figuring out just where and how to do this. The key to figuring this out is to search ourselves and see where God has gifted us. Then we can use what He's given us. When we do this, we will have accepted the call of Jesus to be disciples.

In the love of Christ,

Monday, February 20, 2006

Question of the day ??

Is anybody other than me excited to have Spring Training begin and baseball season just around the corner?

btw i already have three fantasy baseball teams

Thought of the Day !!

"Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: 'Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.
Leviticus 19:2

I was reading an article where the Barna Group did a survey on people's understanding, or lack of understanding of holiness. It seems that many of us don't understand what it means to be holy even though, as Barna points out, God's people are called holy more than two dozen times in the New Testament.

What is your definition of being holiness? What does it mean to be holy? Is this something you ever think about? Is it something that you can obtain? Or is this set aside for that special Sunday School teacher that taught you about Jesus or the lady down the street that always was in a good mood and came to church every Sunday or the preachers filling the pulpits? (Many may have their doubts about some of the latter in today's world.)

Paul gives us an idea of holiness in his first letter to the church in Corinth.

Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? God will bring ruin upon anyone who ruins this temple. For God's temple is holy, and you Christians are that temple. Stop fooling yourselves. If you think you are wise by this world's standards, you will have to become a fool so you can become wise by God's standards. - I Corinthians 3:16-18

Being a Christian means that we become part of God's temple, part of the body of Christ, and therefore holy. And as such, we are to "become wise by God's standards." This means becoming "right" with God, living by His standards set forth by His Son Jesus.

So you are holy when you live your life trying to be right with God. It's not when you're perfect. It's when you're striving for Christian Perfection.

In the love of Christ,

Sunday, February 19, 2006

I've been tagged

John at Locusts & Honey has tagged me to designate songs I am in to. I am also to include the following instructions:

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

1. "Lord (i don't know)" by Newsboys
This is on a CD I've had for a while but got out last night and listened to. It seems to be becoming my theme song. Part of it goes, "Lord, I don't know where all this is going, or how it all works out. Lead to peace that is past understanding, a peace beyond all doubt." I have no earthly idea what God is doing in me, but I trust Him to work it all out in me as the songs also aludes to.

2. "Boondocks" by (???)
I am really into country music right now and don't know the names of all the groups. But I will learn them seeing how I got an XM radio for Christmas. I should know this one, but I don't.

3. "Banjo Player" by (???)
Again, I don't know the guy's name, but it's got a cool banjo solo.

4. "Believe" by Brooks and Dunn
This is an accoustical song that speaks that has a really neat line in it that speaks about not ever seeing a hearse pulling a U-Haul. I talks about how the older the singer gets, the more important the words in red in the Bible become to him.

5. "Jesus at the Wheel" by the girl who won American Idol...Cary something, I think?

6. "Spirit of the Living God" #393 in the UM Hymnal
I've had that song in my head for the last few days and even changed our final hymns at both my churches this morning to it. Yes, I am rebel. I changed something about the worship. :)

7. For my final song, I will say "He Reigns" by Newsboys.

I decided to do this because it seemed kind of cool and I'm sick and indoors and getting bored this afternoon where it's 23 degrees with a wind chill of negative a million outside. But it reminds me of those fwd emails that tell you to send this to seven people and you will get a coupon / be blessed / or whatever.

Trust me. I guarantee nothing of the sort. :)

Lets see if my seven people to be tagged add this to their blog.
1. Andy at 'Mid Toil and Tribulation
2. Grace at Quotidian Grace
3. Tony at Just As I Am
4. Lisa at Messy Musings
5. Danny at Once and Future Methodist
6. John B at Out the Door
7. Beth at Beth Quick

Friday, February 17, 2006

Wiccan Services (Part 3)

John B at Out the Door did some investigating that I was evidently too lazy to do. He emailed Trinity UMC in TX and got the pastor to comment on the worship service where they invited a Wiccan to share. Thanks John. And good work.

Check it out: Wiccan in Worship

Hat tip

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Anonymous Revealed

There has been this anonymous person to create comments to my blog that I knew I knew. I just couldn't put my finger on who it is. Well, I finally found out with this post on my latest Question of the Day !!

P.S...Greg you've asked more than once about my identity, I've placed several hints in my writings, but today I'll say it with no you remember me...Mike...from Mineral Wells UMC...and our ministerial luncheons over Chinese...I've enjoyed blogging with you and the others who share their thoughts and look forward to continuing having fun with the question of the day...have a day filled with God-stuff...


I knew I recognized that sign off, but for some reason just never added it up. Of course I remember. How could I forget one of my early mentors. Is that scary or what?

Thanks for coming clean, and it's a priviledge having you here.

Guys and gals...fellow Mr. Anonymous - Rev. Mike Sahler.

btw - I think it's your turn to buy the Chinese...or did I EVER buy? :)

Question of the day ??

What was your favorite television show growing up?

Thought of the Day !!

"For nothing is impossible with God."
Luke 1:37

Not your problems. Not your pain. Not your finances. Not your past, present, or future. "Nothing is impossible with God."

In the love of Christ,

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wiccan Services (Part 2)

To update an earlier post, I still haven't found any evidence of wiccan services being held in CO. But I did have someone email me about an article stating that there have been these kind of services held in Austin, TX at Trinity UMC.

Hat tip goes out to David Kurz for the info (no blog)

Question of the day ??

Do you have an end times theology, and if so, what is it?

Thought of the Day !!

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me."
1 Corinthians 11:23-24

Whenever you partake of Holy Communion, remember Jesus. Whenever you go to church, remember Jesus. Whenever you wake up in the morning, remember Jesus. Whenever you go to work, remember Jesus. Whenever you sit down to eat, remember Jesus. Whenever you go to bed at night, remember Jesus.

Sometimes we get caught up in the stuff that fills our lives (good and bad), and we forget the Savior, the one we've decided to call Lord. Jesus should be a part of our daily lives. In every decision we make, every thought we take, we should instinctively do them in the light of how Christ would want us to act.

Jesus left us with the Lord's Supper so that we would have something to use to remember him. Let us not forget him then or any other time of the day or week.

In the love of Christ,

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Question of the day ??

How would you rather travel - by plane, train, bus or automobile?

I ask because in exactly one week I will be taking the longest flight ever in the history of man...well maybe anyway. :)

I will leave out of Memphis and go to Atlanta. From there I will scoot on over to somewhere in Germany, land, and get on another plane heading for Venice. From there I will be put on a cruise ship for an Educational Opportunities tour of the 2nd and 3rd missionary journeys of Paul found in Acts. We will sleep on the ship and go from port to port to take our daily tours which will mean riding a bus. If I decide to do something on my own, I may ride in a taxi (auto). So that only leaves the train. Wait a minute, I cannot remember if it was Atlanta or Chicago (or both) that had the underground rail systems. Hey, if that's the case I just hit all four in 10 days.

Boy am I gonna be tired.

Update: Oops. I said that I would be leaving in one week. It's actually two...on the 28th of February.

Thought of the Day !!

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
Romans 1:16 (NIV)

Paul wasn't ashamed to share what God had done for him. But we're not like Paul are we? We haven't been struck blind and heard Christ speak to us in an audible voice while traveling the road to persecute others. We haven't been called to go throughout the world proclaiming the good news of Christ as a result. Paul was different. He was special. Or was he?

You see Paul was an ordinary man that became extraordinary only after he emptied himself and allowed Christ to completely take control of his life. He didn't say "OK God, you can have my Sunday mornings", or "Well, I'll let you have this part of my life, but I don't want to let go of this part." He turned his life completely over to God through his faith in Christ Jesus. And when he did this, spreading the gospel became second nature.

God needs you and has a purpose for you. Actually, God may have several purposes for you, but one is to allow Him to work through you in bringing others closer to Him. Maybe you're afraid to share your faith with others. I know I was when I first became a Christian. I figured that I didn't know all the answers and was afraid that I would get stumped if asked a question. Well, the first thing we must all understand is that we don't have to be scholars to witness. Actually, I believe those who are willing to simply say "I don't know all the answers, but am searching" are the best ones.

If you're afraid to, ashamed of, worried about, tentative about or just don't know what to say (and therefore don't say anything) about faith, then maybe it's because you haven't completely given yourself over to God and His Son. Just remember two things. First is that you don't have to explain to others the great mysteries of the Bible or know all the answers. You only need to share how your relationship with Jesus has affected your life and what it is that you do to stay close to God.

The second thing to remember is that when you come to a place where God can use you as an influence on others, if you will allow God, He will use the Holy Spirit to guide you in your words. There have been countless encounters where I have come away thanking God, for I knew what I'd said was not something I would normally say. In other words, God spoke through me. And He will do the same for you. God bless you in your endeavors to spread the gospel.

In the love of Christ,

Monday, February 13, 2006

Wiccan Services

Dear friends. I am sickened at something I heard about a week ago. It hasn't been verified, so understand that I am going on second hand information. For this reason I will simply say that if this is happening, it is sickening to me.

The "it" that I'm talking about is the alleged United Methodist church (or churches)in Colorado that are supposedly allowing Wiccans to come in and hold weekly services. Now I know we have our differences within our denomination. I know that some hold on to the fact that homosexuality is definitely a sin while others hold fast to the fact that it isn't. Each side presumably claims that they can prove their case biblically. Their opponenets will of course disagree.

We may disagree about other subjects like when life begins or if it's a sin to drink or gamble. But where in the world can somebody come up with a biblical basis for having a Wiccan service in church? Does the Bible not speak out against witchcraft?

Again, I don't have proof about this, and I can only hope it's not true. Otherwise we are truly desecrating God's house here in the name of inclusiveness. I would love to know how you feel about the subject. And if anyone has more information on this topic, please let me know.

Question of the day ??

Is the grass really greener on the other side? (Interpret the question any way you wish.)

Thought of the Day !!

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

Anybody can say "I love you." But true love comes from actions. God has always shown us this. He could have simply said he loved us. But instead of just saying it, He backed up His words with the actions of Jesus. As Jesus came down from Heaven where everything was perfect and he was glorified, he arrived on earth where he was frowned upon, hated and eventually murdered. This showed God's love for us. God loved us so much that he gave of Himself for us. Can we say the same for God? Can we say the same for each other? If we truly have love, we too will give of ourselves. Otherwise, it's just talk.

In the love of Christ,

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Question of the day ??

Other than Jesus and the Apostles, who would you consider the world's greatest spiritual leaders throughout history?

Thought of the Day !!

If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.
2 Corinthians 11:30

It's when we succeed in our weaknesses that we know it wasn't us, but God at work. And when it's His Holy Spirit working in or through us, that's the time to boast and give God the credit He deserves. For it is God that deserves the glory and not us. So remember, don't try to take credit for something God is doing through you. You may just find out that you received your reward here on earth and not in heaven.

In the love of Christ,

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Standing Tall Ministries

Rev. Dale Hathorn is "Standing Tall Ministries.

Dale has been at my church this week leading revival, and the Holy Spirit has come upon us.

He is holding me hostage now and says that if he does not receive at least 15 hits from here to his website, he will rebaptize me. Please help me for I do not believe in rebaptism.

Honestly, Dale is a wonderful evangelist who is also a missionary. He pulls together Matthew 28 and the spread of the Gospel with Matthew 25 and the putting feet to the gospel.

He is definitely one person that I look up to. Did I mention that he is 7'2" tall?

Anyway, if you're looking for a spirit filled revival, check him out.

A comment I left on the blog "Rekindling Methodism

To be who we are really supposed to be as Methodists, we must become accountable. We have to start with our own selves, seeking that log in our own eyes. Then we must seek out what Scripture says and hold the Methodist Church accountable to God's Word instead of letting "anything" go because it seems popular in our world today. Remember, Wesley probably wasn't popular to many because of his insistance on change.

But with all that in mind, we must learn how to put God's Word and our Wesleyan practices to use in an ever-changing world. We have to bring the gospel to those who are seeking in a different way than those in Wesley's day, or even in our earlier days.

This is difficult. It means not watering down the gospel, but at the same time presenting it in a variety of forms ranging from emergent to traditional (so the older folks or those more traditional folks won't be left out).

Are we divided? Yes. Is homosexuality and abortion and other tough topics dividing us? Yes. Can we come together on these subjects? Maybe not because there are two sides and they both believe in their side. But when we judge the other side, we are taking on Christ's authority. So lets be careful of that first and then seek out our own flaws, understanding that we are not perfect.

From there...I honestly don't know. I guess we'll just have to see. I wish I had the answer. But I'm just one person trying to do what God wants me to do in my little section of His Great and Wonderful World.

In the love of Christ,


(1) Please keep Beth Quick in your prayers today. She is meeting with the Board of Ordained Ministry for the ordination process.

(2) DannyG has a new cooking blog.

(3) Andy Stoddard has a good post on whether or not his Sunday Services should have been cancelled or altered because of the Super Bowl.

Question of the day ??

What has been your most memorable mountaintop experience?

Thought of the Day !!

Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and become a slave.
Proverbs 12:24 (NLT)

In the love of Christ,

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Question of the day ??

What's your favorite kind of music?

Thought of the Day !!

(Today's Thought of the day !! comes from my dear friend Rev. Roy Pearson of W. Laurel UMC. In reading it this morning, I just felt led to share it with you. May God bless you through Roy's devotional today.)

Grace and peace,

Last night I received a phone call from a dear friend in France. He was hired as a translator for a woman from Nigeria who was arrested in France for being an illegal alien. She had fled from Nigeria because her family were Christians and her father was arrested by the Muslim government for inciting a Christian riot against the Muslims. Tomorrow, she stands trial in France and if found guilty she will be placed on a plane to Nigeria where she will be shot as soon as the plane hits the ground, for she is a wanted criminal in Nigeria for being in insurrectionist.

Last week, a young man went into a gay bar in Massachusetts and open fired. He killed several people in the bar. He fled with a girl companion and wound up in Mountain Home, AR. where he was stopped by police. He shot the policeman, killed the girl, and was wounded by police. He was transported to Cox Hospital South in Springfield, MO.

Here are two tragic stories. In both instances, we have people who feel they are doing God's work by killing those who oppose them or who they deem unworthy to live. So often, people are killed in the name of Christianity or religion. If we do not kill them with bullets or knives, we kill them with words.

We may feel the young man got what he deserved. We may feel that the people in the gay bar got what they deserved. We would probably feel sympathy for the woman until we hear the rest of the story. When she migrated to France, she became a prostitute to support herself. I know what you are can a "Christian" become a prostitute? Does that change your feelings toward her? What about our feelings toward the Muslims who want to kill her without question because her family is accused of rioting against Muslims?

Sometimes my feelings do not always coincide with the teachings of Jesus like,

"You have heard the law that says, "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you. In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in Heaven."
(Matthew 5: 43-44)

May God guide our steps today to do His will in the way we view others.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Question of the day ??

What would you say is the number one problem with our nation at this moment?

Thought of the Day !!

For you have been born again. Your new life did not come from your earthly parents because the life they gave you will end in death. But this new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.
1 Peter 1:23 (NLT)

God spoke and we came into existence. His word is powerful. With it He creates, condemns, tears down and punishes.

God's word is instructive. With it He teaches and gives guidance.

God's word is gentle. With it He gives mercy and shows love.

God's word is eternal. With it He gives new life that lasts forever; a life that will see no death, no pain and suffering. In this world we are born because of an act of a man and woman. But it is God who created us with an eternal soul while we were still in our mother's womb. And this eternal soul is meant to live forever in a relationship with the ultimate Creator, through His Son.

There's a story that I've heard at funerals (and even used once or twice). It's about a dying woman who brings in her new pastor to make the arrangements for her funeral. She tells him that she wants him to make sure a fork is placed in her hand as she lays in her coffin. When the people ask about this peculiar sight, she told the pastor to explain about all the church meals that she attended. At each meal when the plate was taken up she would be told to keep her fork, for the best was yet to come (the dessert).

She wanted everyone to know that she knew that the best was yet to come. And so it goes with us. Some will struggle with more physical ailments than others. Some will have more emotional stress than others. Some will be born with more defects than others. But we all suffer to some degree in this life because of the fact that sin came into this perfect world.

The eternal soul that God created in our mothers' wombs, however, will continue on past this lifetime; a lifetime of pain and sorrow...of joy and happiness...of fear and trembling. And for those of us who decide to accept the invitation into a loving relationship with God, through His Son, the best is yet to come.

In the love of Christ,

Friday, February 03, 2006

Christian Football

In honor of Super Bowl Sunday coming up this week, Hooiser Pastor decided to share a little football terminology as it relates to our churches. Check it out and see if you agree.

Question of the day ??

What's your favorite time of year?

Thought of the Day !!

But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, 'In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.' These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear--hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.
Jude 1:17-23 NIV

Praying in the Holy Spirit means not just praying for things you want. It means letting the Spirit guide you as you honor your Father in Heaven and as you pray for those who are truly in need.

One more thing that came to mind about this Scripture was the word mercy. It says to "be merciful to those in doubt", and "to others show mercy, mixed with fear." We live in a world of revenge and looking out for number one. Having mercy may include forgiveness. It may mean going into uncomfortable places or situations. It may mean looking weak to peers. But in truth, we can never show as much mercy to others as God has shown to us. Think about that the next time you have something you can hold over another or the next time someone needs help. God is all about love and mercy. And He hopes that His children are like the apples that don't fall too far from the tree.

In the love of Christ,

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Question of the day ??

Should we place the American flag (or the flag from whatever country we live) in our churches during worship?